Musik, andere Sprachen & Kulturkreise
Beiträge & Artikel
Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the Coronation of our Divine Imperial Majesties Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Asfaw. Hail & Ises, Thanks and Praises to our God... weiterlesen »
Reggae News from Jamaica - New Reggae Album Jahdon369: Jahdon - Oshane Mamby, a singer, songwriter and entrepreneur from Canaan Heights, Claredon, Jamaika released in Februar... weiterlesen »
The single captures the universal theme of the ups and downs in all relationships. It will be played on Sunday, 15th November 2020, 2-4 p.m. exclusive here at the free comunity... weiterlesen »
“After listening to Carbon, I wish for ones to walk away with a stronger knowing of self; I hope listeners feel empowered and rejuvenated, edified and aware. After listening,... weiterlesen »
Diana Music' Di, 13.10.2020 17:27 Frauen, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Musik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
Der junge Musiker und HipHop Künstler JanClaud aus Rottenburg gab bereits beim freien Radio Wüste Welle im September 2020 ein Interview im Lokalmagazin und hat sein Startup... weiterlesen »
African Music is one of the themes in the Music-Radioshow with the heading Kandake Kweensize. Here is the first Portrait for this rubric: Batch Gueye a Griot, a traditional... weiterlesen »