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Der britische Singer-Songwriter und Sänger der Band New Model Army, Justin Sullivan, spricht über seine Musik, das Songschreiben, Inspirationen aus der Natur, das... weiterlesen »
Ein poetischer Text von Mostafa Elyasian auf Farsi und Deutsch.
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Bei den Newcomer News hat Samir diese Woche die Themen Extremismus und Literatur mitgebracht.
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Vom 04. bis zum 12. Oktober findet das Arabische Filmfestival in Tübingen statt. "We were rebels", der Dokumentarfilm von Katharina von Schroeder und Florian Schewe über die... weiterlesen »
Ahmad und Hejara von der Internationalen Kunstwerkstatt Tübingen stellen die Vernissage "Eigene (W)orte" vor, die am kommenden Samstag 3. August stattfinden wird.
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Claron Fidelis Mazarello Fr, 08.03.2019 00:03 Events, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Musik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
Although the low white noise like sound may bother in the background of this interview, thisis as authentic as it gets in Tübingen, in a proberaum where the band gets its act... weiterlesen »
Claron Fidelis Mazarello Do, 07.03.2019 23:25 Events, Frauen, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
Doing a photography workshop with children and learning from them too, is what our Natalia was all about at this photography workshop she conducted at the third edition of the... weiterlesen »
Claron Fidelis Mazarello Do, 07.03.2019 23:08 Events, Frauen, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Musik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
The positive commitment of Ursula Branscheid Kouyate was only on display as she was in her element during the workshop; the enthusiastic children of course, were also all up... weiterlesen »
Claron Fidelis Mazarello Do, 07.03.2019 22:27 Events, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Musik, Politik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
TSD were simply a pleasure to work with and listen to right from the start when we began correspondence with them, till the very evening of our Nov 17 4ALL event where they... weiterlesen »
Claron Fidelis Mazarello Mi, 05.12.2018 18:39 Events, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Politik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
Many will realise years from now, how it was at a demonstration organized by university students. What is political and what is not for some makes the diversity alive and thus... weiterlesen »