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Flowing with Trotz Störung Durchwahl (TSD)

TSD were simply a pleasure to work with and listen to right from the start when we began correspondence with them, till the very evening of our Nov 17 4ALL event where they featured at the later part of the evening. Here is a chat with the boys from that night, something worth tuning in to ....

Starting from a chicken farm few ears ago, these boys have surely come a long way ever since. The fag end of this interview is of the fifth member of this band who was not present with the remaining four of this band whose voices are heard in the beginning 20 odd minutes. This chat took place with this band Trotz Störung Durchwahl on the very evening of November 17 down in the cellar. A playful bunch, it is interesting to know how the stories of these five musicians collide and become one, just with their passion - music.

With the keyboardist coming from the classical background with set limitations and very less scope for improvising with other musicians, the guitarists somehow wanted to go a step further than punk. This clash of technique and passion and jamming together with more musicians brought about TSD. At least TSD is what they may more popularly be called, should they go beyond the borders of Germany where it may be less easier to pronunce this name. The boys come from the outskirt smaller villages of Tübingen.

As mentioned at the outset of this intervbiew, their willingness and openness to changing their music structure to suit more people worked like a charm. The musical experience they gave everyone that evening was nonetheless not only original but also a heartful attempt to remain with the cause for everyone rather than play music that only they liked best. Melodies, cool synthesizer grooves, upbeat drums, strong supportive guitars and a smooth flow of sounds in their music made the experience quite a one - 4ALL.

TüSounds Music Magazine (Ed. III)


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Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Hechinger Str. 203, 72072 Tübingen :: +49 7071 760 337 :: buero@wueste-welle.de