AKTUELL 11.02.2025
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The Friends and their music !

Although the low white noise like sound may bother in the background of this interview, thisis as authentic as it gets in Tübingen, in a proberaum where the band gets its act together. And amongst other tit bits of historic information, this is what it all sounds like.

This interview with the friends happened in the probe room of the Epplehaus, where one can seldom listen in to different bands playing different sounds, all from Tübngen mostly. Enveloped in this diversity is one such band, only recently named, 'The Friends' for our 4ALL Fest #3. Before this, they were still a bunch of friends called, 'Balkan Express', playing Balkan music all over. The band members have been friends however much before this as well and as mentioned in the third edition of TüSounds magazin from tünews, they were part of a band about 25 years ago from now, playing all over Europe. Over the years come changes, although the music remains.

The type of music played by these friends is typically Turkish, Macedonian and Balkan folklore, pop, oriental classics and mostly wedding songs. The men involved in entertaining here have somehow also been associated with functions and occasions where people from the communities mentined above find their comfort zones within this kind of music, here in Deutschland. And this time they shared this variety with us. Albeit, it was dance music and hence also that much needed change of rhythm, that everyone simply followed on the dancefloor. It was automatic - this language of music and dance, even though this kind of music was relatively new to most on the dancefloor. But somehow the experience of these gentlemen playing dance rhythms also manifested.

Happy to be contributing, especially to an atmosphere like what their presence created, and with the crowd asking for more from them, we hope that this band will play again soon in future, at more venues than just integration events. Newer sounds and styles are always welcome to open our minds to newer things. After all, its simply music - 4ALL !

Also attached is a recording of a song by the friends ... just in case .. !


The FRIENDS are ....

Electronic Drums - Ibu Memet Iglou

Vocals and Saaz - Birol

Keyboard - Idris

TüSounds music magazine (Ed. III)



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Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Hechinger Str. 203, 72072 Tübingen :: +49 7071 760 337 :: buero@wueste-welle.de