
NewcomerNEWS Weblog/Artikel

Fr, 24.06.2016 15:59
Jamshid Azizi :: ISAF translator stuck in a greek refugee camp
Jamshid Azizi was a translator in Afghanistan for ISAF troops such as hungarian, US american or german forces. He had to leave the country and is now stuck in a greek refugee... weiterlesen »

Mi, 24.01.2018 18:01
Ongoing attack in Nothern Syria
Alex, our guest, was well prepared with info on this most recent attack in Northern Syria. Ahmed is from Syria. His sentiments were real too. Matzel was the nice moderator (as... weiterlesen »

Mi, 10.10.2018 18:01
African Youth Workshop & Discussion (Interview)
This Saturday, October 13th from 3 o clock, at Club Voltaire, will be the second edition of African Youth Workshop & Discussion. So here was an interesting chat we had at the... weiterlesen »

Mi, 24.01.2018 19:06
Gypsy Holocaust Story
Sternplatz at Tübingen will host an evening dedicated to the Gypsies this Saturday, January 27th with some interesting music performances, a children's program (face painting,... weiterlesen »

Do, 07.03.2019 22:27
Flowing with Trotz Störung Durchwahl (TSD)
TSD were simply a pleasure to work with and listen to right from the start when we began correspondence with them, till the very evening of our Nov 17 4ALL event where they... weiterlesen »

Do, 07.03.2019 23:08
Drumming with Ursula Branscheid Kouyate
The positive commitment of Ursula Branscheid Kouyate was only on display as she was in her element during the workshop; the enthusiastic children of course, were also all up... weiterlesen »

Fr, 26.04.2019 15:08
Bericht über die syrische Stadt Afrin
Riad spricht über seine Heimatstadt Afrin und die aktuelle Lage in Syrien. weiterlesen »

Do, 26.09.2019 14:06
Lenas Forschungsarbeit :: Interkultureller Kompetenzerwerb
Lena schrieb ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit zur Zulassung zum Staatsexamen über Interkulturellen Kompetenzerwerb durch die Gestaltung des Mediums Radio. In diesem Rahmen... weiterlesen »

Do, 07.03.2019 23:25
Clicking with Natalia .. !
Doing a photography workshop with children and learning from them too, is what our Natalia was all about at this photography workshop she conducted at the third edition of the... weiterlesen »

Do, 26.09.2019 14:25
Vom Alltag im Einzelhandel und der aktuellen Situation in Afghanistan
Mohammad hat es nach längerer Zeit endlich wieder ins Radio geschafft. Seine Arbeitszeiten ließen das zuletzt nicht zu. Endlich wieder da, erzählte er von seinem Alltag als... weiterlesen »

Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Hechinger Str. 203, 72072 Tübingen :: +49 7071 760 337 :: buero@wueste-welle.de