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März 2016 offen

Beiträge & Artikel

Pauline Menghini So, 29.09.2024 21:34 Frauen, Jugend, Kultur, Live-Übertragungen, Politik
Abschlussparty: Nothing About Us Without Us
Feierlichkeiten, bevor die Ausstellung nach München weiterreist. Feiert mit uns! weiterlesen »

Alaa Trabulsi Mi, 31.03.2021 16:45 Frauen, Info, Live-Übertragungen, Politik, Projekte
Geschichten aus dem Flüchtlingescamp & Internationaler Frauentag
Batool erzählt Geschichten aus Flüchtlingescamps in der Nähe von Syrien und berichtet danach über den internationalen Frauentag. weiterlesen »

Claron Fidelis Mazarello Fr, 08.03.2019 00:03 Events, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Musik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
The Friends and their music !
Although the low white noise like sound may bother in the background of this interview, thisis as authentic as it gets in Tübingen, in a proberaum where the band gets its act... weiterlesen »

Claron Fidelis Mazarello Do, 07.03.2019 23:25 Events, Frauen, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
Clicking with Natalia .. !
Doing a photography workshop with children and learning from them too, is what our Natalia was all about at this photography workshop she conducted at the third edition of the... weiterlesen »

Claron Fidelis Mazarello Do, 07.03.2019 23:08 Events, Frauen, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Musik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
Drumming with Ursula Branscheid Kouyate
The positive commitment of Ursula Branscheid Kouyate was only on display as she was in her element during the workshop; the enthusiastic children of course, were also all up... weiterlesen »

Claron Fidelis Mazarello Do, 07.03.2019 22:27 Events, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Musik, Politik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
Flowing with Trotz Störung Durchwahl (TSD)
TSD were simply a pleasure to work with and listen to right from the start when we began correspondence with them, till the very evening of our Nov 17 4ALL event where they... weiterlesen »

Claron Fidelis Mazarello Mi, 05.12.2018 18:39 Events, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Politik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
The Kupferbau Experience !
Many will realise years from now, how it was at a demonstration organized by university students. What is political and what is not for some makes the diversity alive and thus... weiterlesen »

Claron Fidelis Mazarello Mi, 28.11.2018 18:45 Events, Frauen, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Politik, Regionales, Soziales
HUMAN RIGHTS Dec 7 Demonstration Thema (Clearing myths from our reality)
Can we say that all Deutsch people are bad ? If logic says that this type of generalisation works no where, one needs to be part of this Human Rights demonstration on December... weiterlesen »

Claron Fidelis Mazarello Mi, 21.11.2018 17:43 Events, Frauen, Info, Live-Übertragungen, Musik, Politik, Projekte, Soziales
Courage zu Gast bei NewcomerNews
Said in Deutsch, apart from some real information, this is a call for action, not only for those who will attend personally to this cause, but also a petition for Alassa that... weiterlesen »

Claron Fidelis Mazarello Mi, 17.10.2018 18:00 Events, Frauen, Kultur, Live-Übertragungen, Musik, Projekte, Regionales, Soziales
Dam Likker, a band from Tübingen
The sounds are subtle, and so are the ones making this sweet music - Dam Likker (rather, Damn lecker) ! For us, at first sight or audio, they came across as a band playing... weiterlesen »

Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Hechinger Str. 203, 72072 Tübingen :: +49 7071 760 337 :: buero@wueste-welle.de