AKTUELL 11.06.2024
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Reggae Artist SHASHA MARLEY , will be played in Kandake Kweensize on free radio Wüste Welle, Tübingen, Germany

Shasha Marley from Ghana is truly a Reggae Artist, a musician with a heart and has really been at the forefront of the war against HIV/AIDS using music to break stigma as he goes from village to village touching orphans.




SHASHA MARLEY is an african roots reggae artist from Ghana. His music is made to bring PEACE, LOVE and SOLIDARITY among all the people who live on the surface of the earth , regardless of colour, creed, ethnic, religion, etc.

His music is meant to be the VOICE OF THE VOICELESS... to bring HOPE TO THE HOPELESS, Uplift THE SOULS OF THE DEPRESSED and place them up to where they belong. 






Reggae Artist: SHASHA MARLEY 

Shasha Marley, born in Takoradi, Ghana:

Shasha Marley has been singing since he was a teenager and has since been an amazing audience with his talents. He comes on stage in a hood over a matching cassock and a sash.


Described as the Monk on the Lose, he lets out his captivating voice and takes over the stage with an incredible stage show. Ingenuity and sheer prowess characterize his performances.


He has recorded alongside several top artists and has won several awards to his credit. When the Hall of Fame multi-Grammy Awards winner, Isaac Hayes heard his music, he said “Wow, this brother is pure talent, he and I are going to do great things together, and sure enough, they have.


He has also led 15 top Ghanaian artists in an all-star musical collaboration which was produced via the sponsorship of the Johns Hopkins University as a benefit against HIV/AIDS in Africa. He is truly a musician with a heart and has really been at the forefront of the war against HIV/AIDS using music to break stigma as he goes from village to village touching orphans.


Comment, Redaktion Kandake Kweensize, Selectress Dyah: "Shasha Marley vibes are consciouse and gentle, powerful and amazing in english speech, as well as in his african tongue.

InI proud to present the music live and direct in my following Sessions , Reggae Radioshow Kandake Kweensize, in Germany on the FREE RADIO WW96,6fm straight outa Tübingen, in the south-west of Germany.
Yall welcome to listen worldwide the livestream www.wueste-welle.de all sundays from 3-4 p.m. and all 2 weeks from 2-4 p. m
Kandakekweensize: https://www.wueste-welle.de/sendung/view/id/289/


One Love and One World - Positive Vibration with Selectress Dyah.
Tune in and listen

 Diesen Beitrag erstellte: 

Selectress Dyah, aka Sistah D. von Redaktion Kandake Kweensize 

für das freie Radio WW96.6 - WüsteWelle - Tübingen

Omega-Balanceakt eigensinnig und emotional präsentiert von: Selectress DYAH aka Sistah D. Sebulon, Freie Reggae Musik Redakteurin, Moderatorin, Journalistin, Geschichtenerzählerin, Kreative aus freien Stücken, Headcreator, Dhyana7 Affirmations, Meditiation-Yoga.


Freies Radio Wüste Welle für Tübingen, Reutlingen und die Region fm 96,6 -  97,45 MHz, Hechinger Straße 203, 72072 Tübingen

Büro: 07071-760337

HOTLINE LIVE  Studio: 07071-760204 



Link to Shasha Marley on Youtube-Channel 



Text & Pictures: copyright all rights reserved: Shasha Marley, Ghana

in this video on Youtube: Shasha Marley talking about the blessing of digital tools to speed up going viral widde message worldwide nowadays:


Jingle1 Shasha Marley für Kandake Queen...Greetings from Ghana.

Download (438,01 KB)

Jingle2 Shasha Marley für Kandake Queen...Greetings from Ghana.

Download (573,72 KB)


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Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Hechinger Str. 203, 72072 Tübingen :: +49 7071 760 337 :: buero@wueste-welle.de