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Dub Cultur Records. Bristol. UK - Neue Veröffentlichung von Dumis9ne I & Julian Assanges Auslieferung ist Thema in Empathy Dub von King Scruffy -
JAH works. Word - Sound - Power
Dub Culture Records
is a U.K based Reggae Dub Label-
delivering powerful and uplifting music.
Positive vibrations.
Established in 2017 -
presenting distinctive original sounds
inspired by Roots, Reggae, Steppers, Dub and bass music.
The label works and is linked professionally to Killossus Sound System -
Bristol. UK.
All rights reserved: Dub Culture Records
Link in fi more informations:
Official Homepage:
W -
E -
T - 07812 449516
17.Dezember 2021 Dub Culture Records präsentiert stolz die neueste Veröffentlichung, die JETZT zum Herunterladen und Streamen von Online-Shops und Plattformen verfügbar ist.
('Ich weiß') I KNOW- Dumis9ne I.
Die Debütveröffentlichung des in Malawi lebenden Sängers, Dumis9ne I, ist ein origineller Reggae-Track voller Vibes dieses wichtigen Künstlers. Das Thema Liebe und Beziehungen ist ein Thema, mit dem wir uns alle identifizieren können.
17.Dezember 2021: Dub Culture Records proudly presents the latest release NOW available to download and stream from online stores and platforms. 'I Know' - Dumis9ne I.
The debut release from the Malawi based singer Dumis9ne I is an original reggae track full of vibes from this crucial artist. The topic of love and relationships is one we can all relate to.
Dumisani chirwa (born 13th July 1994) popularly known as Dumis9ne I is a Malawian reggae/afro-dancehall artist.
His stage name Dumis9ne I replaced the Name Vanting which was given to him at school by his friends.
His music journey started at a very tender age of 10. His journey has been influenced by different kinds of genres, but hip-hop was his first love.
Throughout the years he has been experimenting on a lot of genres until he found his peace in reggae.
Some of the artist who has shaped his way of delivering are artists such as Evison Matafale, VIC Marley, Bob Marley, Jah9, Chronixx, Vaughn Benjamin(voice of Akea Beka and Midnite) and Damian Marley just to name a few, without forgetting Hip Hop artists.
His music has been branded Malawia gold alongside artist like Manzy don Mecca, purpose, Positive yut, Chronik,Tonga Heritage, 16bazz and other Malawian artist.
His music content revolves around love, peace, creation, humanity, anti-war and positivity in general.
His interest in music started at a young age when he studied classical guitar, his love for one instrument lead on to a love for many others and their different sounds and frequencies.
King Scruffy believes Roots music is a timeless music for an ageless generation and it is a life long dedication to creation.
Empathy Dub - King Scruffy
TRACK 3 - EMPATHY DUB (from the EP release - Nothing To Hide, Nothing To Fear)
King Scruffy's latest release ‘Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear’ is a four track roots/dub EP, two tracks and two dub versions, bringing his signature conscious sound of heavy, slow, roots reggae dub.
Having crafted a true masterpiece of creation, Scruffy’s deep melancholic atmospheres accompany his subtle melodies and steady thumping rhythm section to take you on a dub voyage to the roots and beyond.
Highlighting the growing threat to our civil liberties, how information is being hidden from us and how we are turning against each other.
Now Is the time to Unite! This Is our planet!
'Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear The worlds freedoms are slowly being eroded. As the narrative changes from one manufactured crises to the next, more and more restrictions, taxes and laws are being placed on the global population.
We cannot live in a world where everything we say, everything we do, everywhere we go and everyone we meet is monitored and recorded.
A world where journalists are jailed for doing their job. Where truth becomes a crime.
WikiLeaks editor and publisher Julian Assange is facing a 175-year sentence for simply doing his job as a journalist and publishing truthful information in the public interest.
The Julian Assange case is the most vicious attack on press freedom in history.
Julian is a freedom fighter, he fights for freedom, against torture, illegal wars, freedom from surveillance and manipulation.
Every aspect of this case is profoundly unjust. There is no legal case against Julian, all there is an indictment based on lies.
Now more than ever we need freedom of information and journalists who work for the people.
We need the courage to speak out and act. End this prosecution, protect free speech and let Julian come home to his family.'
- King Scruffy releases October 15, 2021:
Tracks 1 – Empathy – 06:38 2 – Pack Your Shit – 05:18 3 – Empathy Dub – 06:38 4 – Pack Your Shit Dub - 05:18
Produced by King Scruffy
Mastering by Kris Kemist
Artwork by Yellowhammer Prints
Links zum Thema: Julian Assange
Stand: 10.12.2021 12:18 Uhr
- Julian Assanges Auslieferung als gefährlicher Präzedenzfall
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Selectress Dyah, aka Sistah D. von Redaktion Kandake Kweensize
für das freie Radio WW96.6 - WüsteWelle - Tübingen
Omega-Balanceakt eigensinnig und emotional präsentiert von: Selectress DYAH aka Sistah D. Sebulon, Freie Reggae Musik Redakteurin, Moderatorin, Journalistin, Geschichtenerzählerin, Kreative aus freien Stücken, Headcreator, Dhyana7 Affirmations, Meditiation-Yoga.
Freies Radio Wüste Welle für Tübingen, Reutlingen und die Region fm 96,6 - 97,45 MHz, Hechinger Straße 203, 72072 Tübingen
Büro: 07071-760337
HOTLINE LIVE Studio: 07071-760204
03.07.2021 - Julian Assange, 50.Geb. mp3, ARD