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HUMAN RIGHTS Dec 7 Demonstration Thema (Clearing myths from our reality)
Mi, 28.11.2018
Events, Frauen, Info, Jugend, Kultur, Kunst, Live-Übertragungen, Politik, Regionales, Soziales
When you point your finger at someone else, ironically, there are three fingers pointing towards you. The people who feel that the influ of auslanders have brought in problems, in this case would first need to consider how is the situation in Deutschland first.
Incidentally, if statistics were to be checked, an interesting one is also about crimes against women in Germany itself, with another showing that the women in general have less safe places when it comes to violence in this very country. With such being the state of affairs, before the blame gets put on influx of the auslanders, how then is anyone justified in pointing fingers to the outsiders. It comes across as a syndrome much alike the turtle saying it is not there simply when it closes its eyes.
To know more, here is an interesting small chat with a research person from the IMI, who has researched statistics showing alarming situations in Deutschland itself, far from this misintreped version of 'all-evil-comes-from-outsiders' statements made by certain politicians clearly for ulterior motives. If there is an experience on one side, there are probably more experiences in the other direction. Ultimately, generalising is incorrect. But this needs then to be cleared. Here are some facts to cear one's head of such myths and illusions. Tune in ..
Here is the link to the event:
Inthe audios uploaded here, there is also a call to action for Dec 7 in Dari and Arabic, apart from this chat about statstics in Deutschland about women and being safe.
December 10 is World Human Rights Day. Play your part in making things better. Try and be there. Or talk, listen and clear illusions !
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