AKTUELL 11.02.2025
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Dam Likker, a band from Tübingen

The sounds are subtle, and so are the ones making this sweet music - Dam Likker (rather, Damn lecker) ! For us, at first sight or audio, they came across as a band playing simple songs about life. Here is their interview, with some live songs by them as well. Listen in ... !

Its tunes like these, that, according to the female vocalist of this band, can be played around the fire. And get this, the lyrics are more or less spontaneous - as in they encompass the moments around you, mostly noticed by the artists or rather, noticed by many but pointed out by the artist. And it all happens in a song.

This band, for instance has a name that may have a few heads turn. It is about the most common poison that everyone over 18 (sometimes others as well) indulge in, when we go out for an outing. But this is not the core, rather just the spirit of this element, that allows one to let one's hair down. It is naturally a time to relax, and unwind. And this is the vibe that the music of Dam Likker brings, as anyone listening to this interview will know.

This event on November 17, will feature this band from Tübingen, singing these simple songs about life, in their indomitable style. Stefan holds the rhythm with his guitar playing and thus sets the stage for vocalist Nora, to bring down the house with her impressive voice and playful lyrics. Its the type of music that one can close one's eyes probably and tune in to, without even noticing that you are already snaping your fingers to the beat by then.

Predominantly acoustic and a treat to hear at that, tune in to this interview and the songs from this two piece band with a difference right here right now, and get ready for more from them with their original songs on this November 17 saturday. Be there!


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Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Hechinger Str. 203, 72072 Tübingen :: +49 7071 760 337 :: buero@wueste-welle.de