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Weapons and Forests
Mi, 03.10.2018
Events, Info, Jugend, Musik, Politik, Projekte, Regionales
Here is a chat with some from the journalistic and research fields simply appearing on the Newcomer News show to make us aware of two upcoming demonstrations taking place in our democratic surrounding currently. Surely these topics will be in the news for sometime, till the cause is met.
The first issue (named Weapons and Germany of 17.40 mins) is about a demonstration against a firm that manufactures weapons, incidentally also used in the current Syrian war that gave Deutschland the oppurtunity to house innocent civilians who were victims of this war. A viable slution, which was previously employed by this very firm, of manufacturing metal machinery alternatively and successfully enough is also looked at in the discussion between Newcomer News moderator Claron Fidelis Mazarello and Jackie, working wth the Information Center on Militarisation magazine (IMMI - Informationsstelle Militarisierung).
The second (named Interview 2 Hambucker Forest of 20.33 mins) is about another firm move to cuts forests. The simple logic of pressure on this planet due to its depleting natural recourses should make one aware of the simple fact that trees do not need to be cut, especially on a large scale. The damage is irreversible. So is this cause in that case.
But the adamancy of those in power seems to over-ride this logic that should have been common to all. While more and more news pours in everyday about this agitation to stop this deforestation by like minded citizens, all that can be done is to be physically present at this location for the action or this permanent damage to stop. Solidarity demonstrations in cities of Germany including Tübingen at this week's Wednesday however vindicated the undying support for this forest not to be wiped out from the face of this planet.
This second discussion had information provided by another contributor at the IMI of late - Manu. In both discussions sources of information have also been revealed for everyone to understand the issues by their own perspectives as well. Nonetheless the findings are in the news in the current times. Given the known devastation of war and the environment situation the idea to curb weaponery from Germany or saving massive deforestation from taking place may still be more inviting than producing and selling more weapons to other countries for use, or increasing profit margins.
The democratic setup that we are in in Germany allows everyone here the right to protest at a demonstration. As such these two issues have their protests ongoing, possibly also online. In any eventuality it wis nice to know whats going on. Tough part is, the question may still linger ...
P.S.: The song that starts at the end of the Hambi forest discussion is one by Bob Marley ... 'We don't need ... no more trouble', the name of the song being, 'No more trouble'.
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