AKTUELL 22.04.2024
Bundesfreiwilligendienst im Freien Radio Wüste Welle – redaktionelle und medienpädagogische Radioarbeit in Teilzeit >> weiterlesen


Beitrag: GOA !
Apart from TüSoundsInternational, edition II featuring a story on this topic, this is a record of a one hour radio show that took place on January 4, 2017 at Wüste Welle in Tübingen. It was a program by a person from this place called Goa, about Goa, that seems to have different interpretations from different people all over the world. For the question, 'what is Goa ?', listen in to this local from there ...
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GOA ! vom 26. September 2018
This comes from an article in TüSoundsInternational as well as a research conducted by a student at the University of Tübingen. The is a program created by a Goan, the first of its kind. 'Goa' means music to some, a place to others; some even call it an island which it is not. There are some who call it a state of mind, others who call it a state in this country of India, some who refer to it as the land of parties, some, as a place where sex, drugs and rock and roll flourish as merriment. For the authorities in some places, this is a gathering where there is a possible consumption of drugs, especially when this is a 'Goa' party. For the author who wrote this and a longer excerpt of the same in this IInd edition of... [zum Artikel]


  Shut Up Punk!

WdhWiederholung vom 09.04.2024

Alles, was den Punk glücklich macht :: News, Konzerte, Interviews, viel Musik.

   Ultimas Lagrimas

Ultimas Lagrimas ist eine der dienstältesten Sendungen auf der...

   Ultimas Lagrimas

Ultimas Lagrimas ist eine der dienstältesten Sendungen auf der...

   Globales Lernen On Air

Natalia Zumarán, unser neues Redaktionsmitglied stellt sich vor

Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Hechinger Str. 203, 72072 Tübingen :: +49 7071 760 337 :: buero@wueste-welle.de