AKTUELL 18.04.2024
Bundesfreiwilligendienst im Freien Radio Wüste Welle – redaktionelle und medienpädagogische Radioarbeit in Teilzeit >> weiterlesen


Beitrag: The 'Safe Afghanistan' Hypocracy I
The armies of 25 countries, including Germany and NATO are currently stationed in Afghanistan as we speak. Just recently, a German minister categorically mentioned the impossibility of the German army to travel from north to south in Afghanistan. Then what about civilians without guns ? This is a series of radio reviews and interviews about 'The Safe Afghanistan Hypocracy' .... ! More proof, evidences and interviews to follow ... stay tuned ... !
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The 'Safe Afghanistan' Hypocracy I vom 21. Februar 2018
So here is what went ON AIR today at the Newcomer News. This was a day after a demonstration in Tübingen against 'the safe Afghanistan hypocracy'. So Tünews press members were present and documenting this demonstration. It started at 6 p.m. in the evening. With the Bleibereicht already preparing placards and material for display for this event and more upcoming ones, the stage was already set, and well set at that. With people slowly gathering at the water fountain in the market place (the Rathaus) the energy was beginning to gain momentum. With statistics and figures quoted by the IMMI - a military magazine that researches on such topics, there was a lot more for everyone's consciences to deal with. How we dealt with emotions even... [zum Artikel]




Einmal pro Woche in die andere Richtung: eigensinnig, mut-willig, anders… Ein Magazin für aufgeweckte Leute – durch die Sendung...


Einmal pro Woche in die andere Richtung: eigensinnig, mut-willig,...

   Our Voice

In diesem medienpädagogischen Projekt geht es darum,...

   Gesichter & Geschichten

Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Hechinger Str. 203, 72072 Tübingen :: +49 7071 760 337 :: buero@wueste-welle.de